Freedom, success, and all that jazz

Freedom, success, and all that jazz

Freedom, success, and all that jazzRegina Huber
Published on: 14/12/2024

The words “freedom” and “success” are thrown around a lot because their meaning is very broad. Both words call for a myriad of potential definitions and interpretations. The word “freedom” has a central role in my life. I consider myself a free spirit, and everything I do is in the service of freedom: the freedom to be who we came to be and to live our lives in our unique way. And because adventure runs in my family, freedom for me is also tied into adventure.

LeadershipCareer Growth
Does fear keep you from experiencing joy in your career?

Does fear keep you from experiencing joy in your career?

Does fear keep you from experiencing joy in your career?Regina Huber
Published on: 24/10/2024

Fear and career

Career Growth
Do you want to become a master at something? Then you gotta do two things!

Do you want to become a master at something? Then you gotta do two things!

Do you want to become a master at something? Then you gotta do two things!Regina Huber
Published on: 23/10/2024

Perfectionism is counterproductive.

Career Growth
Study the art of resting and escape excessive stress or burnout

Study the art of resting and escape excessive stress or burnout

Study the art of resting and escape excessive stress or burnoutRegina Huber
Published on: 10/10/2024

Resting is still highly undervalued in a society that focuses on materialism, goals, and 24/7 productivity. That doesn't mean it's not critical for your health, wellbeing, and success.

LeadershipCareer Growth